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Our Tree Was Better Than Yours | The Ghetto Christmas Tree

With Christmas being right around the corner, I figured I’d share last years Christmas Tree with all of you. As elegant as this “fine pine” (spruce for you forestry nerds) may be, don’t let it’s beauty fool you. To us guys (the cool ones anyway) who lived at 721 Lancaster—a.k.a. Poundtown, a.k.a. the house littered with broken glass, a.k.a. the house that almost blew the fuck up— from November up until March, that tree was the very staple that held our entire dysfunctional house together. Metaphorically speaking, that previous statement couldn’t be more true. However, due to a minor flooding incident, there’s also a very good chance that it served as an extra support beam as well. Regardless, that Christmas Tree stowed 80% of our recyclables, was once used as a urinal; by popular consensus, it was also determined to be the leading cause of air born illness. So, to all of you holiday cheer-misters posting pictures of your precious little Christmas Trees, just so you know, yours is still lacking character.

-Keith Morgan